New posts in inflectional-morphology

Be we all here?

What’s the opposite of “wider”? [closed]

Shouldn't “some of the phenomenon” be plural?

Can "Targetings" be a plural form of "Targeting" as a noun?

The correct way to write 'The Morgans" on a sign? [duplicate]

He/Him/His VS She/Her/Her

Third person present and past in King James Bible

Plural forms of gerunds [duplicate]

Why doesn’t the sentence "the standard of proof being one based on balance of probabilities" contain a verb?

Plural of table leaf

Should this verb be in the third-person singular form, the infinitive form, or the present participle form? [duplicate]

Is it ever correct to say "if I be..." in present-day English?

How do you title a letter to a family surname? [duplicate]

"Crossed-referenced", "Crashed-landed", and other twice-inflected verbs

"who doesn't" vs. "who don't"

What is the gram­mat­i­cal term for “‑ed” words like these?

Why did American English change certain past tense verb endings from ‑t to ‑ed but not others?

Why is "be" the only English verb that inflects for grammatical person, not just for grammatical number like all the rest of them?

Is the correct pronunciation of "Have you seen Mary's book" "Mary book"?

Why is it “Who be ye?” and not “Who are ye?” in archaic forms of English?