New posts in pronouns

It's + plural noun

Them or their after despite? [duplicate]

What does "it" in "If it wasn't for Amber..." refer to?

Do you use a subject pronoun or object pronoun before the ing-word in an absolute construction?

Is “Now I lay me down to sleep” grammatical?

Whatever/everything/ to find out?

"me's" when referring to another version of you?

What's the right possessive pronoun for "nobody"? [duplicate]

"What am I" vs. "who am I"

As much as "you" or "you do"

Misunderstanding the use of me/him/her/them/us

<Grammar/Style> Ambiguous "it"

Antecedent of "it" in "dropped the amulet into the bag and hooked it"

Should I say "who want" or "who wants"? [closed]

Is this verse from Lady Gaga grammatically correct? [duplicate]

Should I Use “these” or “those” When I Refer to Something in the First Sentence?

Is “one” in the “one of the” construction a pronoun or a determiner?

Pants — "is it" or "are they"?

"We" vs. "Us" at the beginning of an objective clause

What does “them” refer to here?