New posts in pronouns

What time or which time?

"Neither Billy nor Suzy look" vs. "neither Billy nor Suzy looks" [duplicate]

Why does "Please approve it" sound wrong?

Does this sentence "it doesn't meet the blind's need who want to read." make sense? [closed]

This is my wife and me [duplicate]

"Whose" but not in reference to humans [duplicate]

My wife, I just have the one, is

A general rule for using "that" and "it" [closed]

Antecedents of indefinite pronouns

All of us, including "me" or "I"

What does "both" mean in the paragraph?

What's the pronoun for two uncountable nouns?

What part-of-speech is "all" in these sentences?

"Whom" or "who" and replies to such questions

Five students visit three farmers in their village. their? [closed]

Which line in each pair (below) is correct? [duplicate]

"I and Jane" or "me and Jane"?

Is capitalization of the personal pronoun "I" a modern thing in English? [duplicate]

Is it better to use "one" or "he/she"? [duplicate]

Relative pronoun "that" with "the only" in the antecedent [duplicate]