New posts in conjunctions

made with a and b (exclusive)?

"production and incorporation of X as Y 'have' or 'has' been widespread"? [closed]

'In so far as' and 'As far as' --Are the two conjunctions synonyms?

How to use nevertheless and nonetheless? [duplicate]

When is it okay to not use a comma before an 'and' or 'or' followed by an independent clause? [duplicate]

What is correct syntax with 'entail'?

Difference between dependent and independent clauses

What is the proper apostrophe placement when using the letter N in place of the word "and"? [duplicate]

Is the "or not" in "whether or not" optional? [duplicate]

How to join two phrases sharing a common ending

I came across the following sentence. Is the comma before "but" essential?

Using hyphens to connect words to the same meaning (conjunction?)

And vs semicolon

A question concerning the use of "as" as conjunction

"Whether or not..." vs. "whether... or not"

Differentiating between the use of “or” in questions

More months in a year than days in a week

Singular or plural usage for ellipsis in direct object etc

Are "till" and "until" perfectly interchangeable at the beginning of a sentence?

Do complex sentences always need a conjunction? [closed]