New posts in conjunction-reduction

what's the structure of a sentence

Singular or plural usage for ellipsis in direct object etc

What do "as both" and "both as" mean?

Double present perfect in a compound sentence [closed]

When should you repeat the same subject in a compound sentence?

Of "was X and Y" and "was X and was Y," which is correct?

did <verb> and <verb>

"Either your dog or your cat eats" vs. "Either your dog or cat eats"

Colloquial reductions of TO in sentences

How this present participle is formed

Can I omit the preposition "to" in front of every ing-form verb in a series connected by "and"?

When can I omit the auxiliary verb in Past Perfect...?

Is the repitition of 'can' in this sentence a use of poor grammar?

What is the origin of the rule for omitting the suffix of a hyphenated word?

Dropping articles: "I have a little brother and little sister." - is this correct? [closed]

When using "Used To" in a sentence with two clauses, do you change the verb tense in the second clause?

Can we omit a duplicated preposition? [duplicate]

Identifying parts of a sentence

conjunction-reduction in the sentence

When refering to two distinct objects that share the same noun, can you omit one instance of the noun and leave only the corresponding adjective?