New posts in transatlantic-differences

When did Americans begin to use “practice” instead of “practise”?

Draft Beer or Draught Beer (In Canada)

What is a secondary school graduate called?

Either Pronuciation is OK? or not OK? [duplicate]

Is the term Indian Giver politically correct?

The difference between 'purview' and 'remit' (BrE/AmE)?

What is an "in honors" school student in the US?

Young native-speaking males emphasizing deep voices

What is the difference between "park" and "parc"?

"I hope you all/both are doing well" vs "I hope you are all/both doing well"?

"Woman front bits" meaning

Can it ever be acceptable to use singular “they” with a specific referent of known but undisclosed gender?

A babysitter or a childminder?

What is the US English for "soppy"?

If someone says "They insisted that he left", is there any ambiguity in BrE or in AmE?

"Sheltered Housing" in American English?

Use of Grade Levels Instead of Age [closed]

Why do Americans seem to use the word “delicious” less often than I do?

Why are pubowners called landlords in the U.K.?

Which words or grammar forms are likely to cause a collision between American and British English?