New posts in insular-english

Is the English language used by the European institutions the British one?

"Woman front bits" meaning

initialised or initialized which one is correct spelling? [duplicate]

Does American "condominium" as applies to building ownership have an equivalent term in British or Australian or other English dialects?

Which words or grammar forms are likely to cause a collision between American and British English?

Should pronunciation of the r in "heart" be the same as r in "rabbit", in UK English?

Adjective relating to Great Britain and Ireland

Is 'yeah-nah' a uniquely Australian idiom?

Are there any studies on changes in British English to become more like American English?

What is the origin of British/Irish cinema names?

Are there specific situations where one spelling variant is recommended over another?

What are the 'distances' among the major English dialects?

Accents of characters in Downton Abbey

How does one correctly pronounce the letter 'H': "Aych" or "haych"?