New posts in north-american-english

Co-pay vs copartnership: Prefix hyphenation in AmE

Use of "proceed with something"

What's this "Jl. Sg." appended to a name in the Social Register?

A word or term for driver /car taking no passengers

"slick" vs. "slippery" for a road, sidewalk, etc. in NAmEng vernacular

What is/are the synonym/s for 'to move to sit closer to someone'?

The word Hindu in American English

"How long do you have" -- what does it mean?

Why is there a US idiom of using China to mean far away?

How common is the short "be" in American English

British term for 'washroom'? [duplicate]

The word "cooker"

Using the word "doc"

In which countries would "tags" be understood to mean "License plates and stickers that show the registration is currently valid"?

How is the term "African-American" politically correct?

Still usage and despite suggestion [closed]

Is "offloading a passenger" idiomatic?

"[ball]park" in AmEng vernacular

What’s wrong with saying “he has his mind in the right mindset?”

For a business document, what term would be used for stating the last time the document has been modified?