What is/are the synonym/s for 'to move to sit closer to someone'?

I have a couple of things in mind, but I'm not sure if they can be applied to sitting position.

For example, if I'm sitting on the other end of the couch, and then I move to sit closer to someone else, then I ______ closer.

Things I thought of were shuffle, huddle, snuggle. Are they all correct in this particular situation? Are there any other possible variants?

There's also a phrasal verb on the tip of my tongue, "______ up".


Solution 1:

Maybe coming closer (together) or getting closer could be, but definitely, it does not imply being sitting, then you must point out the situation. For example:

"While we were watching the movie we got closer, or I got closer to him/her".

Although, it is certain these phrasal verbs could have a figurative meaning which in the former example could mean gaining intimacy or knowing each another better.