New posts in early-modern-english

Meaning of "care" in " my care is like a shadow in the sun"

Have the words 'horsemanshipp' & 'warr' been used so in writing, in the early 16th Century?

A word or term for driver /car taking no passengers

Where do we get “queen” from? [closed]

Origin of "rank hath its privileges"

Which was the first dictionary and how was it decided which words went into it?

Articles before "covenant"?

Why do some early modern English writers use an apostrophe in art (ar't)?

"in like manner" v. "in the like manner"

Archaic text suggestions

History of Neither Nor - Negative Meaning with Negative Verb Structure

Meaning of Early Modern English "iuie"

Meaning of "owedst"

Older pronunciations of the "-ity" suffix [duplicate]

What's up with the -es/-eth inconsistency in "O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus"?

"I no whitt reck": Understanding this archaic line from Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene

What is the meaning of 'wottest'?

Is "Be ye..." subjunctive or imperative?

What does 'measuring cast' mean? (1660, UK)

Translating old charm to modern language