New posts in neither-nor

Is this 'neither' a determiner?

"Nor did I" or "Neither did I" [duplicate]

How to use "neither" in second-person plural?

"can't see neither A nor B" or "can see neither A nor B" [duplicate]

History of Neither Nor - Negative Meaning with Negative Verb Structure

Which should I use with "neither/nor": "has" or "have"? [duplicate]

British English / a strange way of using neither nor [duplicate]

Can I omit the "neither" in a neither/nor construction? [duplicate]

How to say one person does not share another person's fascination with either of two topics (using "neither...nor")?

Either or Neither in sentence with another negative

I will call somebody else, not neither him nor you

neither...nor with articles

XXIII, neither IIIXX nor XIIIX, represents 23. Is it correct grammar?

Why is neither singular, but none plural?

Can you use "nor" if the sentence does not have a "neither" but instead some other negative word?

Double negation: not, neither - nor in a sentence

Can we use neither without a verb?

Neither nor where there are multiple subjects and articles

Neither-nor, usage of neither-nor with verb [closed]

Neither vs either in a negative statement [duplicate]