New posts in disjunction

"Neither Billy nor Suzy look" vs. "neither Billy nor Suzy looks" [duplicate]

Is this 'neither' a determiner?

.. or .. which ... - does the which apply to both options?

Neither you nor I is [duplicate]

When a sentence starts with "No" and has multiple subjects, which subject does the verb agree with? [duplicate]

Is it correct to use “or” in place of “and/or”?

If a noun phrase is made of two noun-like words that conjugate differently, then which conjugation do you use? [duplicate]

Is it “set A or B” or “sets A or B”?

When a sentence contains both “not” and “or”, which one has priority?

"Either A, or B, or both"

Why is it "either . . . or" and "neither . . . nor"?

pronoun agreement in neither nor

Is it right to use a singular form of the verb in this sentence?

"Neither . . . nor" vs. "nor . . . neither"

Use "or" or "nor"? [duplicate]

Usage of "neither . . . nor" versus "not . . . or"

"I don't know whether/*if or not I passed"

Is it "John or Mary's house" or "John's or Mary's house"?

Can "nor" be used without "neither"?

Which of several or’d-together subjects should the verb agree with? [duplicate]