New posts in noun-phrases

Can a sentence have no verb except in what would otherwise be its noun phrase?

"Making music" and "music making" as a noun

Noun clause (singular all the time?)

Meeting room or meetings room [duplicate]

‘Dog issue’: a compound or a noun phrase?

When does the phrase "Some of us..." include the speaker?

Why ‘a great green dragon’ but not ‘a green great dragon’? [duplicate]

The yellow big dog [duplicate]

How the west was won - Is this a noun phrase?

Categorial grammar, Is 'leg' an adjective in 'skipping leg days'

When parsing the noun phrase...which is modifying which?

Is it really correct to say that some nouns are countable and others are uncountable?

Prepositions and Noun Phrases

What is the correct way to say "It was this week that Justin and my lives changed forever"?

Please put it on the rack above yourself

Parsing of a compound noun with many words

The way which you should hold them

'Us students' - Does this apposition need a comma?

Is “the many” grammatical? [closed]

the order of adjectives [duplicate]