New posts in uncountable-nouns

Type of vs Types of, kind of vs kinds of [duplicate]

One type of good - singular or plural

Is "the" needed with the word "code" used in a general programming sense?

Contrasting emphasis of an uncountable noun

Plural Noun + Are/Is + uncountable noun

Cardinalities in English language [closed]

Is 'artwork' a mass noun? [closed]

Usage of uncountable nouns [closed]

Countable and Uncountable Nouns in a List [duplicate]

Is it correct to say: These are not homework? [duplicate]

What's the pronoun for two uncountable nouns?

"Quota" - "how much" or "how many"?

Why does the word "shop" behave like a non-count noun in phrases like "set up shop"?

Glasses - countable or uncountable noun?

"Art" countable or uncountable? [closed]

'Too much' with countable noun [closed]

Is “the most amount of {countable things}” ever an acceptable replacement for “the greatest amount of {countable things}”?

Why is "collect a coin" ungrammatical?

Can the word "peace" be pluralised?

Difference between singular and countable nouns