"Quota" - "how much" or "how many"?

If something is countable (e.g. disk space) but is limited by some quota. What you will ask: "how much" or "how many" quota do I have?"

When you can count something, use many:

How many people were at the party?

When you can't count something, use much:

There was too much paint on the walls.

A quota is a limit; it is not countable. What it limits might or might not be countable. So with quota, you should use much:

How much is my quota?

However, it's also very common to say:

What is my quota?

much | məCH | determiner & pronoun (more, most) [often with negative or in questions] a large amount: [as determiner] : I did not get much sleep | I did so much shopping | [as pronoun] : he does not eat much | they must bear much of the blame.

many | ˈmenē | determiner, pronoun, & adjective (more, most) a large number of: [as determiner] : many people agreed with her | [as pronoun] : the solution to many of our problems | many think it is a new craze.

From Apple Dictionary

It's clear to see that "much" refers to "amount", yet "many" refers to "number" specifically.