New posts in abstract-nouns

Type of noun from the sentence [closed]

Does the word "depression" refer to an emotion, or a condition?

What's the abstract noun for 'deserve'?

Can the word "peace" be pluralised?

"Enormity": Bigness or evil?

Is the word 'mistake' a concrete or abstract noun? [duplicate]

Word for position and direction

When does "nature" require an article and why? [duplicate]

Hypernym for laws and rules

Is the word 'recipe' an abstract noun?

Is "12:30" (the time of day) an abstract noun?

Are these words concrete or abstract nouns?

Are abstract nouns always singular? Or are there such things as 'plural abstract nouns'?

Is it wrong to say ‘sourness is the taste’?

Is ‘red’ an abstract noun? [duplicate]

A word that entails the meaning of "the trait of being public"

Is there a term for ascribing acts of the human mind to non-human objects, and when is it appropriate to do this?

'Miscellaneous': must be followed by a plural count noun

Is there a common noun form of the adjective "repetitive" that doesn't have a negative connotation?