New posts in semantics

Is the meaning of "find" in the phrase "How did you find it" related to the meaning of "find" in other contexts?

"Mysterious" vs. "Perplexing"

"Whether they are congruent"

What's the exact semantics of deleted member functions in C++11?

Why would R use the "L" suffix to denote an integer?

Labeling Confusion

If return a = return b then does a=b?

Opposite of Extinction

What can't you describe without a picture?

Meaning of "Which two of the following...?" versus "Which of the two following...?"

A sentence with double negative [closed]

Python: Semantic similarity score for Strings [duplicate]

"in someone's eyes" meaning "in someone's opinion" (AE) and punctuation with phrases of opinion

How do I show 'emphasis' in the following Japanese sentence?

“Mining” as opposed to “minting” w.r.t. Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

Is "I don't work here" literal or does it mean "I am not an employee of this establishment"? [closed]

What is the difference between 'ceremonial' and 'ceremonious'?

Meaning of suffix ''- ic'' in relation to ''materialist'' vs ''materialistic''

Was Valentino the first person to be called ‘sexy’?

Is "not remembering" the same as "no longer know"? [closed]