New posts in translation

Adjective of having multiple "arms" in technical/engineering context

How do I translate a quickly project?

English equivalent of Greek "στο πτυχίο"

What is the english phrase for "barang bukti" from Indonesia?

What does "military profile" mean?

Is a "To Do List" familiar to other countries?

In the context, the translation of the phrase FLASHY BOI "5 hours of debugging VS / flashy boi" [closed]

What does "Where Can I get 40 %?" mean in this context? [closed]

Person who is responsible for the political guests in the kingdom?

What is a "Select Committee" in the context of an 1833 English report?

Word for “direction“ where which way you're pointing to doesn't matter?

Meaning of "completion to panel". Is this good usage of the word "completion"?

A shorter way to say this phrase

English equivalent of the German suffix '-weise'

"In the middle" of a time span – will "middle" work? Better ideas?

"I'm all mashed up inside."

"His songs fly away in quotations" (Russian expression, looking for an English alternative)

Should titles of people be translated?

Word for the river emptiyng into the ocean

Phrase that means "gaining money for someone" in a negative context