English equivalent of the German suffix '-weise'

Solution 1:

There are two general solutions here for the translation.

  • It is well-formed to give the calque

"The drill was performed class-wise."

given that the endings are cognate and are close enough in meaning.

But, in many instances like this, it sounds a little too informal or not quite right (the old fashioned "yes, but usually you just don't say that way"). You probably wouldn't use this in formal or regular standard speech or writing. Like, you can do it, but it ain't always the most elegant. (I don't doubt there are elegant or formal uses of it but in this particular case it isn't.)

  • The usual way to say this is

"The drill was performed in each class."


"The drill was performed per class."

without any extra verbiage like "...the same for all classes". The situation implied by 'each' or 'per' is that it is the same drill, just performed separately for each class.

The most natural way to say this in English is using 'each' or 'per', and to not use the Germanic suffix (though the latter is allowable).

Solution 2:

Not only does "-wise" point to a manner (likewise, otherwise, …) of doing something or a direction (clockwise, lengthwise, …) but it is also used to turn a great number of nouns into adverbials and adjectives (businesswise, moneywise, weatherwise, filmwise, carwise, …). (example showing both uses: "There are two ways in which a vapor may condense upon a cold surface : dropwise and filmwise. The average coefficient for dropwise condensation may be five to eight times that for filmwise condensation" (ref.)).

(OALD -wise suffix
1 in adjectives and adverbs — ​in the manner or direction of
♦ likewise
♦ clockwise
2 ​(informal) relating to
♦ Things aren't too good businesswise.

The OALD tells us that this suffix is colloquial (informal), but this is limited to the second acceptation. As you say, it is not quite elegant in writing that is formal enough. However, it can be learned that in this latter sense it is now freely productive (employment-wise, moneywise, publicity-wise). This can be verified in the SOED (1995 edition).

Nevertheless, neither of the two meanings is close to what is needed in this problem of "distribution".

When there is no doubt as to the nature of what is being assigned, distributed, happening, etc. the formulation using "per" can be perfect.

  • A can of water of twenty liters will be allotted per group. or "to each group")

"Per" is not always the idiomatic choice.

  • A robbery has occurred in each group. (here "each" is correct, not "per".)

When it is important to make precise that the same sort of thing has occurred, etc. there is no other way than using more words.

  • A drill has been carried out in each group, the same one for all groups.