20.04.2 Desktop icons move around on delete or file and directory creation

Kinda weird but every time i delete a file on the Gnome Desktop their locations are moved around. Also seems to occur on adding a file or directory to the desktop.

Not sure if it's related but I'm also not able to drag a file from the desktop to an app like google chrome to upload to my google drive. I am able to drag and drop from a file browser to chrome browser to upload a file to my google chrome drive.

Desktop icons are a problem in Ubuntu. Ubuntu choose to use Gnome Desktop as its desktop environment. However, Gnome Desktop abolished, i.e., does not anymore support, desktop icons. Desktop icons are therefore provided by an extension, Desktop Icons. This extension is very limited, and has remained so.

In the mean time, a forked alternative became available that is much better, Desktop Icons NG (DING) by rastersoft. The latest Ubuntu 21.04 now by default uses that extension.

If you need desktop icons (I personally don't, because I find this clutter and poor organization, and they would most of the time be burried under my applications), then you can use that much better extension also in Ubuntu 20.04. Remove the system extension, and install the alternative extension from the Gnome Extensions website. In Ubuntu 20.04, one cannot easily disable the system extensions that are used in the Ubuntu desktop using e.g. Gnome Tweaks. Therefore, you may need to remove the package: sudo apt remove gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons. That may also remove the metapackage ubuntu-desktop, but that will not damage your system. Then install and activate the alternative extension.