New posts in phrases

'Later' of 'See you later'

What is the origin of the phrase 'touch wood'?

word for that time of the month where funds are running low and you gotta wait til payday [closed]

How would you describe moving your head back in shock? [duplicate]

Why is "ten-minute break" singular but "two weeks' time" uses a plural?

What is the literary device for "our eyes opened" when describing a realization?

Alternatives to the phrase 'I was like..'

Quality of life Vs. Life Quality

"It's say to say"

Proverb/phrase for using a tool/process not intended for its purpose

Word for statements commonly found in self-help literature

Is "I can't remember the name to it" a valid sentence? [closed]

A phrase that means you want someone in your care to get ill

What does pip refer to in the phrase "squeeze someone until their pips squeak"?

How to combine these two phrases? size-based and color-based [duplicate]

Usage of "booked on" "booked in" and "booked for"?

Is the meaning of "find" in the phrase "How did you find it" related to the meaning of "find" in other contexts?

"More than ever" vs. "more than ever before"

Synonyms for "As time passed"

What is the correct phrase for "speaks well to the"