New posts in quotes

What does this mean “In love’s service only wounded soldiers can serve.”?

Proverb/phrase for using a tool/process not intended for its purpose

Looking for a quote about painting

Ηow to append an variable with many words at the beginning of a file [duplicate]

Best way to express the purpose of quotes (scare quotes)

A quote by Disraeli, can you interpret and explain its meaning?

Meaning of quote from 'God Emperor of Dune'

Are single quotes legal in the name part of an email address?

When to use triple single quotes instead of triple double quotes

What punctuation should be used in the end of the direct speech before "but"?

What does the quote "Only a fool see fools" mean? [closed]

When and from whom did the quotation "Vulgarity is the effort of a weak mind to forcibly express itself" originate?

Looking for a quote which is like "it's not for their sins, it's ours"

Meaning of this Samuel Johnson quote [closed]

A good API for famous quotes [closed]

Triple Quotes? How do I delimit a databound Javascript string parameter in ASP.NET?

Quote (proverb like structure) of knowing one's options

Punctuation mark Quotation [duplicate]

What does three dots mean in quotes

Square Brackets and ellipses