New posts in origin-unknown

Origin of the exclamation "Jeannie (Genie?) Martins"

When and from whom did the quotation "Vulgarity is the effort of a weak mind to forcibly express itself" originate?

Origins and history for phrase "tote that barge"?

What is the origin of “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes”?

What is the origin of the phrase "Crazier than a sh*thouse rat!"?

Do "empirical" and "imperial" share a common etymology? [closed]

Did "based off of" come from a TV show for children?

Origin of "Dj" in words

The origin of the phrase "Eskimo Brothers"

Origin of “name happened” form: from “s*** happens” via “magic happens”?

How did an "arm" become a "mile"?

How to spell what sounds like "ish" or "eesh"? [duplicate]

Where does the expression “at a crack” come from?

’Tis the season

Does 'doolally' have an alternate AmE meaning to the BrE?

What are the origin and history of the forms and meanings of the phrase "top flight"?

Where, when, and how did the term 'dogie' for 'orphan calf' originate?

Where did the term "Double Standard" originate?

Origin of "darkest Brooklyn"

Why is it called "slippery dick"?