New posts in roots

Visualization of p-adic numbers

Zeros set of analytic functions over complex plane with several variables

Solving a radical equation for real $x$

How can I find all the solutions of $\sin^5x+\cos^3x=1$

Can the general septic be solved by infinitely nested radicals?

How to prove that all zeros of the complex polynomial $P(z)$ lie in $\Bbb{D}$?

Closed form solution for the zeros of an infinite sum

Test to determine if a polynomial has only real roots?

Prove that, if $y''+w(x)y=0,$ then $y$ has infinitely many zeroes

Using Rolle's Theorem to prove roots.

Lagrange - Minimising area under parabola, my answer is wrong

Find the roots of a polynomial using its companion matrix

$f(g(h(x)))=0$ has $8$ real roots

Finding all roots of polynomial system (numerically)

If $f(x)=0 \implies f'(x)>0$, is the zero set of $f$ a single point?

Smallest root of a set of polynomials

Is it true that a 3rd order polynomial must have at least one real root?

Where does the guessed solution come from when solving DE systems with a double root?

Cube root of complex number without trigonometric functions

Complex Zeros of $z^2e^z-z$