New posts in self-learning

Good book resources (not websites) to learn number theory on my own? [duplicate]

Philosophy of learning mathematics (combinatorics)

How can I find all the solutions of $\sin^5x+\cos^3x=1$

Effect of pullback of differential forms on an ideal

Proof of the infinite descent principle

Importance of the Artin-Wedderburn theorem

Real Analysis : Self Studying vs Doing a Course

Arithmetic mean is less than geometric mean (Spivak Calculus 3rd Chapter 2 Problem 22)

Cartesian Product of Borel Sets is Borel Again

How exactly does Mathematics help me becoming more intelligent (at least, in high school)? [closed]

Book recommendations for Problem Solving

Show that if $E$ is not measurable, then there is an open set $O$ containing $E$ that has finite outer measure and for which $m^*(O-E)>m^*(O)-m^*(E)$

Being ready to study calculus

Differentiable functions defined on a regular surface

How to determine if I'm talented enough to study math? [closed]

The Inevitable Wall of the Autodidact

What does countable union mean?

Should I look at syllabi for math courses before beginning my bachelor's degree in math?

Is there a better way to read proofs?

Being too pedantic with writing proofs