New posts in partial-differential-equations

Heat equation problem with Dirichlet condition

Proof Nehari manifold of semilineal subcritical $-\Delta u = f(u)$ in $\Omega$ is not empty.

Solving a simple Shallow Water model

how to solve this PDE

Smoothness of harmonic functions

Use Lax-Milgram theorem to prove the existence of weak solution for an elliptic equation

The constant in the Sobolev trace theorem inequality

Estimates on Derivatives

Absolute value of functions in Sobolev space

Second derivative of mollification at local maximum

Solve the PDE: $u_{xx} - 3u_{xt} - 4u_{tt} = 0$ [duplicate]

Wave equation how to derive the form $u(x,t)=f(x+ct)+g(x-ct)$

The backwards heat equation is not well posed

Solving the Quasilinear PDE $u_{t} - u^2 u_{x} = 0$ with piecewise initial condition.

Good reference texts for introduction to partial differential equation?

Total mean curvature in $L^2$ and minimal surfaces in spaces with non-positive sectional curvature

On a manifold, is the $L^p$ space of vector fields complete?

Creating geodesics on manifolds

Effect of pullback of differential forms on an ideal

Understanding Elliptic Operators