New posts in fluid-dynamics

Solving a simple Shallow Water model

How to solve this variational problem related to the Couette Flow?

Stirring a square cup results in a strange pattern. What's the math behind it?

$L^2\cap C^\infty$ Hodge/Helmholtz decomposition on $\Bbb R^n$

Translation of John Nash's 1962 Navier-Stokes paper

Vorticity equation in index notation (curl of Navier-Stokes equation)

Helicity is Conserved

Why the inlet and outlet fluxes are different when I solve the Poisson equation by FEM over a trapezoidal domain?

Examples of Pitchfork Bifurcation in nature?

When does global solution for Burger's equation exists?

Why can't you simulate isotropic fluid flow on a square lattice?

Existence and uniqueness of Stokes flow

Coffee and regular polygons

Trouble with the derivation of the Reynolds Transport Theorem

Good introductory book on fluid dynamics

Did I just solve the Navier-Stokes Millennium Problem?

How to go about studying chaos theory/dynamical systems/fluid dynamics in grad school with a physics background? [closed]

Is the problem that Prof Otelbaev proved exactly the one stated by Clay Mathematics Institute?