New posts in exterior-algebra

Effect of pullback of differential forms on an ideal

For $T\in \mathcal L(V)$, we have $\text{adj}(T)T=(\det T)I$.

Intuitive understanding of oriented volume and trivectors

Proving the Poincare Lemma for $1$ forms on $\mathbb{R}^2$

Symmetric and exterior powers of a projective (flat) module are projective (flat)

What is the relationship between the Hodge dual of p-vectors and the dual space of an ordinary vector space?

Dual space of exterior power and exterior power of dual space

If $\omega$ is a 2-form on $\mathbb{R}^4$ and $\omega \wedge \omega = 0$, then $\omega$ is decomposable.

Understanding of exterior algebra

Is there a formula for the determinant of the wedge product of two matrices?

Covectors $\omega^1, ..., \omega^k$ are linearly dependent iff their wedge product is zero

Relation between exterior (second) derivative $d^2=0$ and second derivative in multi-variable calculus.

Every $(n-1)$-form is decomposable

Exterior algebra of a vector bundle

Verify that $\langle\alpha \cup \beta, u\rangle = \langle\beta, \alpha \cap u\rangle.$

Can we recover all matrix minors from some of them?

Geometric Intuition about the relation between Clifford Algebra and Exterior Algebra

Is There a Basis Free Definition of the Pfaffian

Is the image of the map $A \to \bigwedge^{k}A $ an embedded submanifold of $\text{GL}(\bigwedge^{k}V)$?

Where does this permutation product live?