New posts in orientation

On iOS8, displaying my app in landscape mode will hide the status bar but on iOS 7 the status bar is displayed on both orientations

Intuitive understanding of oriented volume and trivectors

iPhone AVFoundation camera orientation

Is there a orientable surface that is topologically isomorphic to a nonorientable one?

Fixed points in mapping from Möbius strip to disk [Explanation or reference needed]

How can I change the scroll direction in UICollectionView?

Meaning of the expression "orientation preserving" homeomorphism

WPF Orientation

android screen orientation

Homology and cohomology of 7-manifold

Responsive site is zoomed in when flipping between Portrait and Landscape on iPad/iPhone

Extrinsic and intrinsic Euler angles to rotation matrix and back

How can I disable landscape orientation?

Set a border around a StackPanel.

iOS 6 UITabBarController supported orientation with current UINavigation controller

Detecting iOS orientation change instantly

Setting the orientation for only 1 fragment in my activity while the rest is in portrait

How should I calculate azimuth, pitch, orientation when my Android device isn't flat?

Euler angles, Quaternion and mobile device rotation

How to set device (UI) orientation programmatically?