New posts in geometric-algebras

Intuitive understanding of oriented volume and trivectors

geometric algebra: dot products of vectors with vectors vs bivectors

What are some simple examples I can use to demonstrate the power of geometric algebra?

Why Is $\sqrt{\det(A^TA)}$ A Volume / Volume Factor?

Why use geometric algebra and not differential forms?

Are all manifolds in the usual sense also "vector manifolds"?

Inner product structure on geometric algebra?

How do you take this multivector derivative that has a nested variable?

Calculating the inverse of a multivector

Is Geometric Algebra isomorphic to Tensor Algebra?

In Geometric Algebra, is there a geometric product between matrices?

what's the relationship of tensor and multivector

What's the difference between geometric, exterior and multilinear algebra?

Looking for a clear definition of the geometric product

calculating the wedge product for 2 4D vectors

Good introductory book on geometric algebra