New posts in tensors

Tensor notation (practicing)

How to find orthonormal frame of given metric?

Finding a basis for symmetric $k$-tensors on $V$

Naturality of tensors in Differential Geometry

What is the intuition behind tensors?

Tensor product and linear dependence of vectors

Correct name for multi-dimensional array/matrix/tensor

Tensors as Multilinear maps?

Vectors, Basis, Dual Vectors, Dual Basis and Tensors

Why use geometric algebra and not differential forms?

I feel that (physics) notation for tensor calculus is awful. Are there any alternative notations worth looking into?

How can I prove that the differential operator with respect to covariant coordinates behaves contravariantly?

Tensors as matrices vs. Tensors as multi-linear maps

The Inverse of a Fourth Order Tensor

Proof of $\frac{\partial}{\partial x_l}(a_{ijk}x_{i}x_{j}x_{k})$ where $a_{ijk}$ are constant

If $f(..., v_{i+1}, v_i,...) = −f(..., v_i, v_{i+1},...)$ prove that $f$ is alternating

A text that can accompany this Course on "Geometry for theoretical physics"

Why is the Riemann curvature tensor the technical expression of curvature?

How do you transpose tensors?

Difference between the Jacobian matrix and the metric tensor