New posts in homology-cohomology

Intuitive interpration of the Thom isomorphism and relative cohomology

Calculate Bockstein homomorphism

Why is cohomology the direct product of the $H^n$?

Poincaré duality for de Rham cohomology on non-compact manifolds

Can we see directly from the cocycle condition that 2-cocycles are symmetric?

Homology of a co-h-space manifold

Skew symmetry of indices in cocycles of Cech cohomology

Question about mapping cones in homology theory

Computing the homology of genus $g$ surface, using Mayer-Vietoris

Isomorphism in cohomology is an isomorphism in homology

Manifold without point homotopy equivalent to wedge of $2$-spheres.

Wedge sum of spheres is the quotient $X^n/X^{n-1}$

Simplicial Cup Product and Orientability.

How do you compute group cohomology in practice?

Exercise 1.1.3 in Charles Weibel’s book “An Introduction to Homological Algebra”

Intuition behind the Thom Isomorphism.

Exercise in Spanier to get universal coefficient theorem for cohomology with local coefficients

Equality of rank for homology and cohomology groups via the universal coefficient theorem

Does there exist a CW complex with prescribed fundamental group and trivial higher homology?

A problem on algebraic topology.