New posts in direct-sum

Why is cohomology the direct product of the $H^n$?

Is homotopy group of infinite product of spaces a direct sum or a direct product of groups?

Show the direct sum of noetherian R-modules is noetherian.

Are there any non-obvious colimits of finite abelian groups?

How to decompose a normed vector space into direct sums with a kernel of functions.

Orthogonal Complement of Direct Sum

Module which is not direct sum of indecomposable submodules

Transfer from external direct sum to internal direct sum

Pairwise disjoint vector spaces whose sum is not direct [closed]

Cancellation law for direct sums

Direct sum and direct product of infinitely many abelian groups are not isomorphic

If $A$ is a direct sum of matrix algebra over $C$, what are all finite dimensional simple $A$-modules?

Addition and Tensor product of Vector spaces for beginners : Concrete example

Does $A\oplus \mathbb{Z}\cong B\oplus \mathbb{Z}$ imply $A\cong B$?

Direct sums and direct products

Visual intuition for direct sum vs. tensor product of vector spaces

What is internal direct sum or internal direct product in Dummit and Foote?

The definition of direct sums and subspaces?

Group of units of direct sum of rings is isomorphic to direct sum of the groups of units

$p_Ai_B=0$ and $p_Bi_A=0$ in additive category