New posts in representation-theory

A problem of central simple algebras: why $(E,s,\gamma)\cong M_n(F)$ only if $\gamma$ is the norm of an element of $E$?

Theorem 1 chapter 8 of Fulton's Young Tableaux

Reciprocity for branching rules of $\mathrm{GL}_n(\mathbb C)$

Serre's surjective theorem importance.

Generalizing Determinants Through Multilinear Algebra and Immanants

Representation theory of $SO(n)$

Lie algebra action from Lie group action: coordinates

The unique closed orbit in GIT quotient fibers for polynomial actions of Gl

What changes in the representation theory of real Lie algebras?

Intuition Behind Homomorphisms of Representations

The Noether-Deuring Theorem

Show that the representation $\mathbb Z\ni a\mapsto\begin{pmatrix}1& a\\0&1\end{pmatrix}$ is not completely reducible

Compatibility of two definitions of the projective class group of a group ring

What is the *real* representation theory of $SO(3)$?

Tannakian theory for Lie algebras

Centralizer of one element on a compact connected Lie group

Dimension of the space of algebraic Riemann curvature tensors

Prove that the augmentation ideal in the group ring $\mathbb{Z}/p\mathbb{Z}G$ is a nilpotent ideal ($p$ is a prime, $G$ is a $p$-group)

"Tensor complement" of representations of finite groups

Does every irreducible representation of a compact group occur in tensor products of a faithful representation (and its dual)?