New posts in noncommutative-algebra

A problem of central simple algebras: why $(E,s,\gamma)\cong M_n(F)$ only if $\gamma$ is the norm of an element of $E$?

Universal skew field of fractions

Center of Weyl algebra over a field of characterstic $0$?

Invertibility of elements in a left Noetherian ring

How does the lie algebra capture compactness of the lie group?

Characterize finite dimensional algebras without nilpotent elements

Is it true that a flat module is torsion-free over an arbitrary ring? Does the reverse implication hold for finitely generated modules?

Is the center of a ring an ideal?

Is it possible that $(ab)^{-1}$ is defined although $a^{-1},b^{-1}$ are not?

$AB \neq 0$ but $BA=0$

Evaluating the sum over all strings made of two anticommuting terms

Why should a non-commutative operation even be called "multiplication"?

Real forms of complex vector spaces and $\mathbb{C}$-algebra

Does this notion of morphism of noncommutative rings appear in the ring theory literature?

Total ordering on the free group

Hom-tensor adjunctions

A simple algebra that is not semisimple [duplicate]

Zero divisors in matrix rings [closed]

A graded ring $R$ is graded-local iff $R_0$ is a local ring?

Prime elements in a noncommutative ring