New posts in maximal-and-prime-ideals

Showing that $A/J \cong \mathbb C.$

In ZF, does the ring of continuous functions $C([0,1], \mathbb{R})$ have prime ideals which is not maximal?

Are $(X+1,X), (X^2+4,5)$ and $(X^2+1,X+2)$ maximal or prime?

Show that $k[x,y]/(xy-1)$ is not isomorphic to a polynomial ring in one variable.

Maximal ideals of $C\big((0,1)\big)$

Having trouble with just one line in a proof on why nonzero prime ideals are maximal in a Dedekind domain

An example of prime ideal $P$ such that $\bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}P^n$ is not prime

Showing $k[X] \cong k[X,Y,Z]\big/{(Y-X^2,Z-X^3)}$

Under what conditions will the ring homomorphism $\phi : R \to S$ satisfy the following results about prime and maximal ideals?

Prime ideals of $k[t^2,t^3]$

Proving whether ideals are prime in $\mathbb{Z}[\sqrt{-5}]$

Show that $(p,\sqrt{d})$ is a prime ideal in $Z[\sqrt{d}]$

An example of prime ideal $P$ in an integral domain such that $\bigcap_{n=1}^{\infty}P^n$ is not prime

Zero Divisors and Associated Primes of the zero ideal in a Noetherian ring

Closed points are dense in $\operatorname{Spec} A$

How do the prime ideals of $\mathbb{Z}_{k}$ look like?

Proving a prime ideal is maximal in a PID

Is $(xy-1)$ a maximal ideal in $\mathbb C[x,y]$?

Does "zero dimensional domains are fields" require the Boolean Prime Ideal theorem?

Definition of homomorphism of local rings