New posts in proof-verification

$\lim x_n^{x_n}=4$ prove that $\lim x_n=2$ [duplicate]

Why does Rudin define $k = \frac{y^n-x}{n y^{n-1}}$ or $h < \frac{x - y^n}{n(y+1)^{n-1}}$ when he tries to prove that every real x has a nth root?

Proving that a group acting freely on a tree is a free group

Is there a simpler proof of this fact in analysis?

Is this proof that all metric spaces are Hausdorff spaces correct?

Prove convexity when restricted to a line

Separation in compact spaces

Prove sum of the lengths of intervals in a finite covering of $\mathbb{Q}\cap [0,1]$ is $\geq 1$

Prove that if $a_1 + a_2 + \ldots$ converges then $a_1+2a_2+4a_4+8 a_8+\ldots$ converges and $\lim na_n=0$

Eigenvalues of $MA$ versus eigenvalues of $A$ for orthogonal projection $M$

Prove that $\text{rank } T = \operatorname{rank} T^2 \iff \operatorname{Im}T \cap \ker T = \{ \vec 0\}$

Is there such a thing as "finite" induction?

find total number of maximal ideals in $\mathbb{Q}[x]/\langle x^4-1\rangle$.

An alternative proof for Bertrand's Postulate when $n \ge 36$

Theorem 6.16 in Baby Rudin: $\int_a^b f d \alpha = \sum_{n=1}^\infty c_n f\left(s_n\right)$

Proof that sets are equal

Integral $\int_0^\infty \frac{x-\sin x}{x^3(x^2+4)} dx$

Is a compact, simply-connected 3-manifold necessarily $S^3$ with $B^3$'s removed?

Prove that $e$ is transcendental.

Show that $(L^{p},\|\|_{p})$ is a Banach space.