New posts in transcendental-numbers

On Bailey and Crandall's BBP-type sum $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{5^{5n}}\left(\frac{5}{5n+2}+\frac{1}{5n+3}\right)$

Prove that $e$ is transcendental.

Is the sum of an algebraic and transcendental complex number transcendental?

Simplify $\mathbb{Q}(\pi^3+\pi^2, \pi^8+\pi^5)$

Is it possible to express $e$ in terms of $\pi$ algebraically and vice-versa?

Transcendentality of the $\log$ of the golden mean

Is there a dense subset of $\mathbb{R}^2$ with all distances being incommensurable?

Is there a general way to solve transcendental equations?

Is there a pythagorean triple such that all angles of the corresponding triangle are simple fractions of $\pi$?

Linear independence of the numbers $\{1,\pi,{\pi}^2\}$

Liouville numbers and continued fractions

When, how & who first gave this calculation of $\pi$

Is a trigonometric function applied to a rational multiple of $\pi$ always algebraic? [duplicate]

Proving that: $9.9998\lt \frac{\pi^9}{e^8}\lt 10$?

Can $\pi$ or $e$ be a root of a polynomial with algebraic coefficients?

Does this show that the Apery Constant is transcendental?

Numbers with no finite representation on paper

Are there any irrational numbers that have a difference of a rational number?

Irrational numbers, decimal representation

Independent Transcendental Numbers