New posts in approximation

Smooth approximation of absolute value inequalities

Finding good approximation for $x^{1/2.4}$

Asymptotic quality of rational approximations to $\pi$

Solving randomized recurrence relation

Approximate a convolution as a sum of separable convolutions

How to simplify or calculate a formula with very big factorials

Approximation of ln(x) in the vicinity of x=0

Strange approximation to $\sqrt{\pi}$

Summation of divergent series of Euler: $0!-1!+2!-3!+\cdots$

When the approximation $\pi\simeq 3.14$ is NOT sufficent

How to approximate/connect two continuous cubic Bézier curves with/to a single one?

Name of the generalization of quadtree and octree?

On Ramanujan's approximation, $n!\sim \sqrt{\pi}\big(\frac ne\big)^n\sqrt [6]{(2n)^3+(2n)^2+n+\frac 1{30}}$

Complex Zeros of $z^2e^z-z$

An amazing approximation of $e$

Why is Simpson's rule exact for cubics?

Which expansion of $e$ is more accurate?

Is there a series to show $22\pi^4>2143\,$?

Pythagorean theorem expressed without roots in an old Tamilian (Indian) statement

Approximation symbol: Is $\pi \approx 3.14\dots$ equivalent to $\pi \fallingdotseq 3.14\dots$?