New posts in approximation

How do I prove that $\sqrt{20+\sqrt{20+\sqrt{20}}}-\sqrt{20-\sqrt{20-\sqrt{20}}} \approx 1$

Is $e = \sum_n 1/n!$ the most efficient sequence of denominators for rational series for $e$?

Mean Value Theorem Integrals

Function for which trapezoidal rule outperforms midpoint rule for every $n$

Compare $\ln(\pi)$ and $\pi-2$ without calculator

Approximate Holder continuous functions by smooth functions

Why is the formula for relative approximation error with respect to the current approximation?

Proof of $\sum\limits_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{x^n \log(n!)}{n!} \sim x \log(x) e^x$ as $x \to \infty$

Approximation of a summation by an integral

Write logical operator all(x<a) in terms of Heavyside functions

Solution to $\int\frac{1}{x+xe^{ax+b}}dx$

Definite Integration With Trig Functions and Euler's Number

How to approximate relative error further?

Proving that: $9.9998\lt \frac{\pi^9}{e^8}\lt 10$?

$e^{\pi\sqrt N}$ is very close to an integer for some smallish $N$s. What about $\pi^{e\sqrt N}$?

difference of square roots approximation

MCQ (No Calculators): What is the remainder when dividing $\left \lfloor (6+\sqrt{7})^8 \right \rfloor$ by $9$?

$n \approxeq k + 2^{2^k}(k+1)$. How can one get the value of $k(n)$ from this equation?

Choosing random numbers efficiently

Why is the Power Method giving me one of the smaller eigenvalues instead of the dominant one?