New posts in approximation

How to show the approximation of $1-T_{1 / L}(1 / \delta)^{-2}$ when $L$ is large and $\delta$ is small?

Why is it that $ \frac{x^{\frac{1}{2^{15}}}-1}{0.000070271} \approx \log_{10}(x)$?

A differentiable approximation of modulus?

Boundary layer problem

Why is integer approximation of a function interesting?

Why is $10\frac{\exp(\pi)-\log 3}{\log 2}$ almost an integer?

Hardy's approximation for the cosine

Approximation of $\sin(\pi)$ by $f(x)=\sin(3x)$

Why are these two functions so close in value? [closed]

Relation between Simpson's Rule, Trapezoid Rule and Midpoint Rule

On finding polynomials that approximate a function and its derivative (extensions of Stone-Weierstrass?)

What's the name of the approximation $(1+x)^n \approx 1 + xn$?

Why is this number so close to $1$?

Harmonic series sum approximation

Solving $x!=n$ without a calculator for large $n$

Approximating $\pi$ using the sine function

Show that if m/n is a good approximation of $\sqrt{2}$ then $(m+2n)/(m+n)$ is better

Laplace's method with nontrivial parameter dependency

Unable to approximate the sine function using a neural network

Proof and precise formulation of Welch-Satterthwaite equation