You got some of the details right. The error of the difference quotient is in first order $\frac12f''(x)h+O(h^2)$. The combined error of the sine evaluations is bounded by $|f(x)|δ$ if $δ\approx 2\cdot 10^{-16}$ is the floating point machine constant. In total you get an error bound of $$ \frac{|f(x)|δ}{h}+\frac12|f''(x)|h+O(h^2) $$ As for $f(x)=\sin(x)$ you get $f''(x)=-\sin(x)$, the minimum of this error bound can be found by minimizing $\fracδh+\frac h2$ which is at $h=\sqrt{2δ}=2⋅10^{-8}$.

The correctness of this bound and its minimum can be seen if you sample the formula at some more points and graph them together with the bound,

enter image description here

A general heuristic is that with an order $p$ approximation of the $k^{\rm th}$ derivative you get error terms $O(h^p)$ from the method itself and $O(δ/h^k)$ from the floating point evaluation. The overall error is lowest when both terms are about equal, that is at $$ h=\sqrt[p+k\,]δ $$ which gives the somewhat counter-intuitive rule that the higher these numbers the larger the optimal $h$.