New posts in probability-theory

Characterization of normal distribution

The theory in probability

a dynamical systems view of the central limit theorem?

Consistency of a family of probabilities in the construction of a pre-brownian motion

What is a fair game?

Understanding conditional independence of two random variables given a third one

Understanding a proof of Komlós's theorem

How well can the maximum of a Gaussian process be approximated by a finite-dimensional Gaussian variable?

An unfair "fair game."

$\sigma$-algebra of sets that are both $G_\delta$ and $F_\sigma$

Conditional Expectation: $E(X | \mathcal{G})$ is a function, while $EX$ is a constant?

Solving randomized recurrence relation

Concentration bound for absolute value of sum of Bernoulli variables

Reconciling measure-theoretic definition of expectation versus expectation defined in elementary probability

An expectation inequality

Characterization of sets in $\mathcal F^X_t =\sigma(\{X_s: s\leq t\})$ where $(X_t)_t$ is a stochastic process

Kind of converse of Kolmogorov maximal inequality

$L^{p}$ functions from Rudin Exercises 3.5

Confusion regarding the interpretation of probability in this example

Confidence Interval of Information Entropy?