New posts in probability-theory

Drawing without replacement: why is the order of draw irrelevant?

How to explain connections between bounded Radon-Nikodym derivatives, convex combinations of probabilities, and conditional probability

Result and proof on the conditional expectation of the product of two random variables

Rigorous, real analysis, proof of De Moivre–Laplace theorem

Example of an adapted but not progressively measurable process

Strong Markov property - Durrett

Closed forms for various expectations involving the standard normal CDF

Confusions about Radon-Nikodym derivative and dominating measures

What is the probability that at least one letter is in the correct envelope?

On the central limit theorem

"Difficult to please" rabbits and Fibonacci Numbers - A probabilistic variation

Does the condition $E[X]=E[X^2]=E[X^3]$ determine the distribution of $X$?

Intuitive reason why a simple symmetric random walk is recurrent on $\Bbb Z^2$ and transient on $\Bbb Z^3$.

Are decompositions of a random variable into a sum of two IID random variables unique?

Finding $\mathbb{P}(\max_{t\leq 1} (W_t+t)\geq 1)$

The only strictly stationary random walk in $\mathbb{R}$ is degenerate

Proof of uniqueness of conditional expectation

Dominated convergence theorem for complex-valued functions?

What is the PDF of random variable Z=XY?

Weighted summation of symmetric Bernoulli RV. Characteristic function inequality