New posts in characteristic-functions

Are decompositions of a random variable into a sum of two IID random variables unique?

Weighted summation of symmetric Bernoulli RV. Characteristic function inequality

How to get PDF from characteristic function

Solving a recurrence relation with the characteristic polynomial

Determining if something is a characteristic function

$A$ and $A^2$ have same characteristic polynomial

Does "independence" of moments imply independence?

The partial expectation $\mathbb{E}(X;_{X>K})$ for an alpha-stable distributed random variable

Showing $\varphi(t)\neq 0$ when $\varphi$ is a characteristic function of an infinitely divisible distribution

Can $\log(1-U)-\log(U)+W$ be normally distributed, with $U$ uniform on $(0,1)$ and $W$ independent of $U$?

Prove that $X,Y$ are independent iff the characteristic function of $(X,Y)$ equals the product of the characteristic functions of $X$ and $Y$

the characteristic function of Levy Distribution

Bernstein's Theorem (Probability)

Characteristic function of exponential and geometric distributions

Help with understanding the proof for: $AB$ and $BA$ have the same characteristic polynomial (for square complex matrices)

Show a set E is measurable iff its characteristic function is measurable.

Is this a new characteristic function for the primes?

For symmetric stable distributions, why is $\alpha \le 2$?

uniform convergence of characteristic functions

A question about eigenvalues of $5\times5$ matrix