New posts in measure-theory

Integration of progressively measurable process

Consistency of a family of probabilities in the construction of a pre-brownian motion

Total variation of (weakly) differentiable functions

$L^p$-space is a Hilbert space if and only if $p=2$

Understanding conditional independence of two random variables given a third one

Outer measure of outer measure

Proving measurable function: Real versus rational number [duplicate]

A question on measure space and measurable function

Definitions of Lebesgue integral

Measurability Question?

A Radon measure on $G$ being left-invariant on a dense subgroup $H \subset G$ is a Haar measure on $G$.

show $\int_0^{\infty} \frac{x\sin ax}{x^2+t^2}dx = \frac{\pi}{2}e^{-at}$

Haar measure - a problem from Folland

Prove sum of the lengths of intervals in a finite covering of $\mathbb{Q}\cap [0,1]$ is $\geq 1$

$\sigma$-algebra of sets that are both $G_\delta$ and $F_\sigma$

$f :\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ be a bijective Lebesgue measurable function , then is $f^{-1}:\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ Lebesgue measurable?

Derive Outer Measure from $\sigma$-Algebra

Can we approximate a.e. invertible matrices with everywhere invertible matrices in $L^2$ sense?

Constructing an outer measure on a set whose measurable sets are exactly a given sigma algebra on the set.

Problems with Set Function