New posts in locally-compact-groups

A Radon measure on $G$ being left-invariant on a dense subgroup $H \subset G$ is a Haar measure on $G$.

Distributions over locally compact Abelian groups: when can they be Fourier transformed?

Disintegration of Haar measures

support compact modulo subgroup

Stone-Weierstrass implies Fourier expansion

subgroup of connected locally compact group

Local-Global Principle and the Cassels statement.

How many group structures make $S^1$ a topological group?

Reference request: Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras

Why is the image of $k^+$ dense in the character group?

Young's inequality for discrete convolution

Translation-invariant metric on locally compact group

Haar measure on O(n) or U(n)

Is Haar measure reflection invariant?

Why is this function continuous in the proof of Folland's proposition 7.21

Properties of Haar measure

A net version of dominated convergence?

Theorem of Steinhaus

Uniqueness of Haar Measures