New posts in banach-algebras

For which $s\in\mathbb R$, is $H^s(\mathbb T)$ a Banach algebra?

$C_c(X)$ is complete, then $X$ is compact

Is every Hilbert space a Banach algebra?

Some examples in C* algebras and Banach * algebras

Can $ {L^{1}}(G) $ be a $ C^{*} $-algebra?

Does the Banach algebra $L^1(\mathbb{R})$ have zero divisors?

Why are compact operators 'small'?

Extension of character in Banach algebras

Wiener's theorem in $\mathbb{R}^n$

Correspondence between maximal ideals and multiplicative functionals of a non unital, commutative Banach algebra.

Fourier transform as a Gelfand transform

Dual space of $\mathcal{C}^n [a,b]$.

Quaternions as a counterexample to the Gelfand–Mazur theorem

How to prove Halmos’s Inequality

Is $L^2(\mathbb{R})$ with convolution a Banach Algebra?

Pure states on commutative C* algebra are exactly the characters - elementary proof

$C_{c}(X)$ is complete. then implies that $X$ is compact. [closed]

Is the product rule true in a Banach algebra?

Prove that the set of invertible elements in a Banach algebra is open

If $(I-T)^{-1}$ exists, can it always be written in a series representation?