New posts in functional-calculus

Searching two matrix A and B, such that exp(A+B)=exp(A)exp(B) but AB is not equal to BA. [duplicate]

Relation between the distance from a point to the resolvent set of a self-adjoint operator and the norm of a related operator

Smoothness of $O(n)$-equivariant maps of positive-definite matrices

Is the product rule true in a Banach algebra?

In the Physicists' definition of the path integral, does the result depend on the choice of partitions?

A property of exponential of operators

Spectral integral: verification of my conceptual understanding

Functional differential equation (from Quantum Field Theory).

"Taylor Series" analog for functionals?

Understanding Riesz's functional calculus

Why do zeta regularization and path integrals agree on functional determinants?

Cauchy's integral formula for Cayley-Hamilton Theorem