New posts in quantum-mechanics

Complementary text for mathematical Quantum Mechanics lectures

Does the shift operator on $\ell^2(\mathbb{Z})$ have a logarithm?

Category Theory and Quantum Mechanics

How to prove $e^{A \oplus B} = e^A \otimes e^B$ where $A$ and $B$ are matrices? (Kronecker operations)

Studying quantum mechanics without physics background

Quantization of angular momentum: is Dirac's proof wrong?

Does this notion of morphism of noncommutative rings appear in the ring theory literature?

If the expectation $\langle v,Mv \rangle$ of an operator is $0$ for all $v$ is the operator $0$?

What do the lines above complex coefficients mean?

Spanning set for $L^2(S^2)$?

Why do physicists get away with thinking of the Dirac Delta functional as a function?

In the Physicists' definition of the path integral, does the result depend on the choice of partitions?

Topological Quantum Field theories

Dimensionality in quantum mechanics

Are the eigenvectors of the Hamiltonian always in $L^2$?

Fourier Representation of Dirac's Delta Function

Reference Request: Full mathematical treatment of Schrödinger evolution of hydrogen atom

Two Dirac delta functions in an integral?

What is the essential difference between classical and quantum information geometry?

square of derivative operator = second derivative operator